Thank You Team!

These may well be the most challenging times we have faced as individuals, as parents and as workers – whatever our role in the community may be. For us at Birches, we have certainly faced huge challenges in recent weeks but through this adversity has come a...

Birches Blog 17/04/2020

The second week of what would have been our Easter holidays has been another sunny one. Childcare provision for Key Worker children has continued at Codsall Middle School with the children enjoying a range of activities during their days.They had lots of fun on Friday...

Hope is a Rainbow

A big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to visit the rainbow banner at school. We miss all of our children and their families very much and seeing you all in front of the banner has given us an amazing sense of community and pride. Stay safe and well. Lots...

Rainbow Pebble Garden

Our pebble garden has been given a fantastic start! Edward and his sisters kindly took the time to decorate a pebble for our “rainbow garden” and have placed them underneath the banner!  They are wonderful – thank you! Why not decorate a pebble of...

Child Health Important Information – PLEASE READ

Schools have been asked to share the below message and attached PDF. Please do take the time to read and share on social media to ensure the message gets to all parents. Our Designated Doctors are concerned (along with other paediatricians around the UK) that in the...