Reception Admissions September 2020

As many of you will know this Thursday (16th) parents will be notified of their child’s school allocation for September 2020. Whilst for some this will be an exciting time, for others this will mean their child may not be able to attend the school they may have hoped...

Happy Easter!

Wishing our children, families and extended community a very Happy Easter! With love and best wishes from all the staff at Birches x...

Free School Meal Vouchers

The CMAT business team are in the process of organising food shopping vouchers for parents of children in receipt of benefit related Free School Meals.   Michael Gove announced at the weekend that these will be available to provide support during the Easter holidays...

Birches Blog 10/04/2020

Dear Parents, I hope you have all had a good week and that all our children and families are well. The sunshine and warmth has been very welcome this week and although we’re not able to go out and enjoy the weather in the ways we might normally, I hope that many...