Reading books

We are delighted to have the children back in school and this week have been focusing on supporting the children as they settle back in and re-establishing routines and expectations. In classes we have begun reading with the children individually and next week we will...

Behaviour workshops for parents.

Please see the attached poster for information about upcoming workshops for parents led by Staffordshire County Council / Family Support Service. Free online behaviour workshops and wellbeing programmes.

Families with siblings – drop off and collection.

A polite reminder of the options for parents with more than one child in school. Drop and collect each child at their own, designated arrival/dismissal time. This means you would follow the one way system to drop / collect one child off first then return to the gate...

Snack for EYs/KS1

Unfortunately our Fruit for Schools delivery won’t be coming until next week. Therefore, children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 may want to bring a piece of fruit to school with them to eat at snack time tomorrow and on Friday. No containers or tubs please. From...