Dear Parents
We currently have 60 plus children who are registered to attend school as a child of a Critical Worker or a vulnerable pupil at the start of this second national school closure. This is more than double that of the first lockdown. We appreciate that many parents really want their children in school (as do we in normal times) not only to support working commitments, but also for their child’s social wellbeing.
However, the number of attendees is meaning that the group sizes are going to be significantly larger than we would have hoped for (between 20 and 27 in some bubbles) and certainly much larger than the bubbles of 15 we had last Summer. As such, if you are eligible for your child to attend school, then I am asking you to please only send your child/ren in on the days you are actually in work or when nobody is at home.
We are conscious that we need to play our part in supporting those who need to be in work; for whom there is nobody at home to look after children; whilst reducing contacts and the number of children and staff in school so as to minimise the risk to all.
Best wishes
S. Varricchione