Our super start to the term has continued this week with children really starting to get engrossed in their new topic learning. Across school, children in each class have been shining in their own individual ways and Friday’s Celebration Assembly was a lovely way to recognise their hard work and efforts.
This term we are particularly looking at ways to encourage and support children’s confidence and resilience, helping them to understand that is it ok to make a mistake. This is part of how was learn and the important thing is that we show resilience and determination to have another go. As I always say to the children ‘We don’t have to be THE best, we just have to try OUR best’.
A routine fire drill gave children and staff the opportunity to practise how to respond in an emergency should an evacuation ever be necessary. I was really impressed with how sensibly and quickly the children exited their classrooms and gathered on the field to have the register taken so we could ensure everyone was safe and accounted for. Well done children!
Our staff and children in Early Years had a chilly but exciting end to the week with their snowy Sparkle Day in recognition of the National Day of the Snowman! Children and staff came suitably dressed in wintery outfits and looked absolutely wonderful! Lots of fun and learning was enjoyed by all as they explored ice and even had a play with a snow machine! Thank you for the parent contributions to make this possible.
Next week we have another week of exciting learning planned. We also look forward to inviting our Year 2 parents into school to for our SATs information meeting on Wednesday at 6pm.
We wish all our families a very happy weekend.
Best wishes,
Mrs Ferretti