Rainbow Gallery
Put me in your window for everyone to see, so we can stay connected – the world and you and me.
You may have seen on social media and in the news stories of rainbows being placed in windows as a message of hope. Please email photos of your rainbows to jferretti@birches.staffs.sch.uk to add them to our gallery. Help us keep our community connected. Stay safe and well.
Poppy Y3
Jacob Y2 & Elliot Nursery Katie Y3 & silblings Emily & Connor Beatrice Nursery
Evie Y1& Bethany Y3 Ava Y3 Savannah Reception Casey Y4
Mya Y3 LIam Y3 Darcey Reception Emma Y1
Mrs Mogey & daughter Lilia Annabelle Y1 Eleanor Y2
Harvey Y2 Isla Reception & brother Joseph Phoebe Y2 Casey Y4
Oliver Y1 & Jacob Nursery Harry Y1 Jaimie Y2 Jessica Y4
Jacob Y3 Olivia Nursery Deen Y2
Mrs Ferretti, Sophia & Lucas Leah Y4 Liam Reception & Ellis Y3
Ruby Y2 Seeret Reception & Nimrat Y2 Elvie Y1 Annabelle Nursery
Harriet Y1 Mrs Causer Connor Nursery
Freya Nursery Riley Nursery Mrs Gayden
Elsie Nursery Mrs Ash & Miss Ash Bobby Nursery Joe Nursery
Euan Y2 Beatrice Nursery Louie Nursery
Edward Y3 Bonnie Nursery & Darcy Y2 Mrs Ferretti’s Mum in Cornwall!
Birches Key Worker Children Darcy & Bonnie’s real rainbow Holly Reception Max Y2 & Leo Y3
Joshua Y3 Mrs Gyongyosi & Bella Jacob Y1 & Isabella Y4 Annabelle’s Rainbow Wall for the NHS
Beatrice Nursery & Vicnent Y2 Cerys Reception Alyssa Y1
Kristy Y3 & Sofie Y4