
Reception Admissions

In order for your child to be admitted to school, parents should complete a school application form and provide proof of their child’s date of birth. A formal application for entry to primary school from Staffordshire County Council is then sent out in the autumn term of the school year before your child is five years old. Your child is then admitted in September preceding his/her fifth birthday. Parents may apply for places at anytime after this date if vacancies exist.

Mid-year Admissions or children joining after Reception

Any parent/carer who wishes to complete an in-year transfer to Birches First School should read the information provided on the Staffordshire County Council website.

If you wish to make an application you should complete this application form and forward this to school. 

School will advise you of the outcome of your in-year application within 10 school days but at the very latest within 15 days.

In the event that the place is refused information about the independent appeals process will be detailed in the letter.


If you are a Staffordshire resident please access the website below for more information or to apply:-

If you are a Wolverhampton resident you will need to access the Wolverhampton Admissions website below for more information on their admission process:-

Please see below for Nursery and Reception Admission Arrangements 2024-2025 and 2025-2026:-

Reception and Nursery Admission Arrangements 2024-25

Reception and Nursery Admission Arrangements 2025 – 2026

Reception and Nursery Admission Arrangements 2026 – 2027

Nursery Admission Arrangements September 2025

Children will be admitted to the Nursery Class for their ‘Nursery Year’ in the September following their third birthday. Many children begin their school journey in this way and the impact an early start has can be very positive both academically and socially!

Applications for September 2025 intake will open on 1st September 2024 until 14th March 2025. Offer letters will be posted to parent/carers on 7th April 2025, please confirm your acceptance of the place by 1st May 2025. All applications should be delivered to Birches First School Office marked Nursery Admissions 2025. An application form can be found at the bottom of this page.

You can contact the school office to register your child’s details with us in advance and we will contact you when it is time for applications to be made. A Registration of Interest form can be found at the bottom of this page. If you would like to visit the school before making your decision, please call the school office to arrange a mutually convenient time. 

What does Birches First School Nursery offer? Please click here.

Please contact our school office and we will be able to answer any questions and guide you through the admissions process.

Please note all applications for places must be made directly to the school office and should be received within the timescales listed above. To see the admissions criteria for this please see the attachments below or call in and ask for a paper copy in the school office.

Nursery Admissions Policy 2024 – 2025

Nursery Admissions Policy 2025 – 2026

Nursery Application Form – to be returned to Birches First School office

Registration of Interest Form 

Mid-year admissions or children joining after Reception

If you would like to move your child to join us at Birches mid year please see information as to how do this here.
