Birches Blog 17.01.2020

Our super start to the term has continued this week with children really starting to get engrossed in their new topic learning. Across school, children in each class have been shining in their own individual ways and Friday’s Celebration Assembly was a lovely way to...

Birches Blog 10.01.2020

A Happy New Year and welcome back to all our children and families. It has been wonderful to see the children back in school this week and they have certainly made a fantastic start to 2020. Staff have enjoyed celebrating many good behaviour choices with the children,...

Our Birches Hero!

A huge well done to Olivia in Year 4 who this week has proven herself to be a real life hero! When a family member became ill suddenly, Olivia kept a cool head and rang 999. She was able to tell the operator what had happened and give them her address. Once an...

Caring and Kindness at Christmas

A huge thank you to all our families who were able to support our Christmas charities this year. On Monday, some of our school council children, helped by Mrs Nickolls, used all of your plentiful donations to create hamper bags to share with less fortunate members of...