Free anxiety training

Please follow the link for information on a free online course from Dr Pooky Knightsmith.  This may be of interest to some of our parents, staff and governors.. “**Free for a Week – until 14th June** Understand Anxiety – 10 things you need to know...

Return to school

A huge well done to all the children who had such as successful return to school yesterday. It was wonderful to see the children come back in so happily. This has been a very anxious time for parents with a lot of concern for us all in terms of how the children would...

Birches children, we think you are…

Before we begin to welcome more children back to Birches tomorrow, as team we wanted to send all our children a special message. We hope you enjoy it. Birches children – we think you are…  

Final reports

Final reports have been written for all children, summarising their learning journey up until the school closure in March. Thank you to teachers who completed these ready to be sent out at the end of May. Due to the reopening of school to new year groups (and plans...

Back to school tours

Please click on the links below to view some ‘back to school’ tours. We hope the chance to view the school site and classrooms will be reassuring and help parents and children prepare for their arrival next week. Back to Birches site tour Welcome to Orange...