A Sparkle Day Fit For A King!

The children in Years 1 and 2 had a fantastic Sparkle Day celebrating their new Kings and Queens topic. They enjoyed taking part in a range of activities throughout the day; including a quiz, making crowns, royal baking, castle building, investigating coins and how to...

If you go down to the woods today, you will see Nursery and TEDDY BEARS!!! Following our new sound in phonics “t” and being inspired in PE with a dance to Teddy Bears Picnic, Nursery wanted to play with Teddy Bears. They decided we could have a picnic. We wrote shopping lists in our role play co-op shop and sent Mrs Butler to the “real” co-op. We were then ready for a teddy bears picnic. The children had lots of fun, leading their own play with den building, caves, picnics and dancing.

STEM Day in Year 2!

We’ve had a wonderful day in Year 2 exploring Christmas STEM ideas! We tested materials to see which would make the best beard for Santa Claus, some of them were very long! We also had a go at giving Santa a new look on the interactive whiteboard. We were...

Kindness at Christmas!

It was a lovely moment this morning when Greta and Vicky came to collect the toy parcels kindly donated by the families of Birches. The generosity shown will help to make Christmas special for children in our community who are less fortunate than others. Greta and...