Birches Blog w/e 14/09/18

Well, our first full week of the new school year has passed. It was a busy week as classes settled back into routines and lessons. Football club started on Tuesday, Keyboard lessons started again on Thursday and Friday mornings as well as our new Tennis club that is...

Birches Blog Welcome Back

Welcome back to school to all of our families after what we hope was a very happy summer holiday! The children made an excellent start back last week and all looked so smart in their school uniforms. School was also looking super smart for the new term. Thank you to...

Year 2 Weekly Blog

Last Friday we went to Aberystwyth because we’re learning about the seaside and as a treat for our hard work! We had a lovely time at the Ceredigion Museum – thank you so much for having us. We paddled in the sea and we buried some children (and some...

Year 2 Weekly Blog

Welcome to the Year 2 weekly blog! Last week we had Sports day, Ash won by 1 point! We had a fabulous time on a very sunny day! We even had ice lollies! On Monday we had the Great Birches Bake off – we had the winner in our class! We also discovered a mystery on...

Strange Items Found on School Field

This morning, Mr Price informed Mrs Ferretti, that upon his arrival to school today, there were many strange objects strewn across the school field! They have appeared overnight with no sign of where they have come from. He gathered them all up carefully and placed...