Goodbye and good luck!

At the end of this term, sadly, Mrs Sehra and Mrs Gyongyosi will be leaving Birches. Although they have only been with us a short time, they have certainly made their mark and cemented themselves a place in our team! I’d like to thank them both for their hard work and...

Thank you!

A huge thank you to all our parents for their ongoing support this year and during the school closure period. Thank you for your kind words, cards and gifts over the last few days, weeks and months. We are proud to be part of your children’s journeys. Wishing...

Birches Blog w/e 10/07/2020

I can hardly believe we are about to enter the final week of the school year. Usually the last few weeks and certainly this week would have been filled with special events, end of term treats and trips and final celebrations. How very differently this year has panned...

Healthy Lunchboxes

Please click the following link to view ideas and suggestions from the change4life campaign for packing a healthy lunchbox. change4life Healthier Lunchboxes

Summer Reading Challenge 2020

The Summer Reading Challenge, presented by The Reading Agency, is delivered in partnership with public libraries and funded by Arts Council England. The Challenge encourages children aged 4 to 11 to enjoy the benefits of reading for pleasure over the summer holidays,...