Wow – what a week at Birches! Last week gave us so much to celebrate and be proud of. Across the week last week we welcomed Mums, Grandmas and Aunties into school for our special lunches to celebrate Mother’s Day. This event was so well supported – we hope you all enjoyed your lunch and spending some time school with your child(ren). A huge thank you to Mrs Blakeway, Mrs McLeod and Miss Ash in the kitchen and our dinner ladies Mrs Harold, Mrs Gayden, Mrs Saunders and Miss Hill who worked so hard to make this special event possible. Thank you also to the staff who joined the children whose Mums were unable to come, so that everybody had someone to sit with.
Last week was Fairtrade week. Thanks to the Co-op in Codsall for providing us with a super display of Fairtrade goods to support the children’s understanding of this important cause.
Our Year 4s went off to Kingswood on their residential on Wednesday. The children had a super time and I’m sure have made some special memories that will last them a long time. Thanks to Miss Schubert and Miss Hulme who supported the children throughout the visit; and Mrs Mason, Mrs Bell and Mrs Campbell who each spent a day there with the children. Year 1 enjoyed also enjoyed a trip. They visited the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham and had a great day exploring and finding out new things.
Anyone who was able to attend the Dance festival at Codsall High School on Wednesday evening was, I’m sure, very impressed with the standard of dancing from all the local schools. Birches was represented by our Year 3 children who have been busy practising their ‘Moana Medley’ for weeks. It was so lovely to see the how much the children enjoyed their performance and the class certainly did us proud! Dancing isn’t the only talent demonstrated by our Year 3 children this week. On Thursday the children visited St Nicholas First School to take part in a singing workshop with British choral group Ex Catherdra. The children worked with Year 3 and 4 children from St Nics to learn a selection of songs. Those that we able to returned to St Nics Church in the evening for their second performance of the week. It was a real treat to watch the children sing and dance with such enthusiasm – it was an amazing performance! Well done Year 3! Thanks to Miss Law and Mrs Savage who supported this event.
We hope you all had a lovely weekend and our Mums had a lovely Mother’s Day. We look forward to another busy week at Birches this coming week!