This week saw us welcoming more children back to Birches. All the planning and preparation certainly paid off as the new systems worked brilliantly! The children settled straight back into school and amazed us with how well they adapted to the new rules and routines. I would like to extend a huge ‘thank you’ to all our returning parents for their patience and understanding with our additional measures. Especially watching me get confused with the keys, padlocks and gates- apologies to anyone I accidentally locked in!! 

The weather unfortunately wasn’t on our side last week, with the return of some very wet and windy conditions!! We are hoping for a bit more sunshine this week so that the children can get outside as much as possible and to help keep us warm- with doors and windows open for ventilation as part of our risk assessment, it certainly got a bit chilly last week!

We would have been holding our Sports Day this week – although due to the rain it would have been cancelled! Some of our bubbles held some socially distanced sporting events during the spells of better weather – Indigo bubble certainly had lots of fun on the field! I know some of you got involved at home too – well done! 

For those of you who have continued at home this week – we have been thinking of you too. As lovely as it is having more children back in school, we are still missing the rest of you very much!! We won’t feel complete until every single one of you has returned to school. We hope you have felt supported from a far still. Teachers are now balancing working full time in their bubbles with planning the home learning and providing support via email. I know they have tried hard to keep on top of contact etc but please bear with us if responses do take a little longer than they previously did. 

We look forward to welcoming Miss Varricchione back into school this week. Whilst I will continue in my role of Acting Head for the time being, I would like to take this chance to say a huge ‘thank you’ to you as parents for your support during my time as Acting Head. It has been an absolute honour to lead the school and I am very proud of our wonderful school. As always, a huge thank you to the wonderful team who make everything possible and care so very much for all the children in our school. 

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend. We look forward to what I hope will be another successful week in school this week and I hope the week for those at home is also a good one. Remember to please keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on and do email myself or your class teacher if you have any questions or concerns. 

Take care all and best wishes,

Mrs Ferretti