Kingswood Throwback

As Year 4 now only have six weeks remaining at Birches First School, it seems like a perfect time to reflect on their experiences from this past year! It may seem like years ago now, but it’s actually only been a few months since Year 4 visited Kingswood for...

Children’s Day 2019 “No Chairs, Fresh Air”

Children’s Day 2019. The children thoroughly enjoyed all the different activities offered to them as part of National Children’s Day.  It was lovely to have the sunshine for most of the day, followed by a sudden downpour of hailstones! This didn’t...

Pattingham Sixes 11th May 2019

Our Year 3 and 4 Birches football team had a brilliant morning on Saturday 11th May taking part in the annual Pattingham Sixes football tournament at St Chads, Pattingham. Well done to all of the boys who represented Birches First School showing us their superb...

Marvellous Maths Day!

Well, our first ever Maths Day was certainly a success! Children throughout school had a fantastic day engaging with a range of activities, challenges and problems to solve. Classes from Reception to Year 4 all took part in a problem solving workshop using soft play...

Explosive Learning in Year Two!

Today the children started a new project. Linking to their topic of Italy, the children became History Detectives and Volcanologists as they carried out research using the iPads and information books into volcanoes and the Italian city of Pompeii. They drew diagrams...

Year Two Trip to Pizza Express!

The children in Year Two spent an absolutely fantastic morning at Pizza Express today learning how to become a Pizzaiolo!(Pizza Chef in Italian!) Led by Pizza Express Pizzaiolo Andy, the children were shown how to knead and flip their bases, before placing them in a...