EYFS Slumber Party Fun!!!

How excited were Reception and Nursery to ‘sleepover’ at school, for one hour as part of our fundraising event for EYFS. Dressed in their pyjamas and cuddling their favourite toy, the children worked together to build a story den.  We used lots of...

The Leaning Tower Challenge

The children in Year 2 were set a challenge in class as part of their topic ‘Italy’. Developing their geographical skills, the children had been learning about Italian landmarks and locating them on a map. Following this they were given the task of making...

“A Tiger Who Came to Tea”

On World Book Day 2019, a tiger came to tea in Nursery. The children have been following the story of Sophie, her mum and the tiger who came for tea. The tiger was very hungry when he came to Sophie’s house. He ate all their food, drank all their milk and water....

World Book Day 2019

Wow! What a fantastic World Book Day 2019 we have had. The theme for our Book Week was ‘Classic Children’s Illustrators’ and all the staff were really impressed with how many children knew who had illustrated the character they dressed up as. Years 3...

Online Safety Concerns

There have been a number of disturbing cases reported in the press over the last two weeks surrounding online safety. Please see our online safety tab for helpful links and guidance for parents. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you wish to speak to a...