Snow Closure

Due to current conditions and a worsening forecast, with the safety of our children and staff in mind, the decision has been made to close tomorrow (Friday 2nd March). We anticipate being open as normal on Monday 5th March.

Snow Forecast

Whilst there is a forecast of snow for Friday, we are unable to predict the impact of any snowfall in advance of it happening. A decision whether school will close or remain open will be made based on conditions in the morning unless significant, adverse conditions...

Gamelan fun!

Today the children took part in a Gamelan music workshop, following a generous donation form Codfest. They learnt all about the traditional percussive instruments from Indonesia and all played in a gamelan ensemble. Thank you to Codfest for the contribution towards...

Birches Blog w/e Friday 16/2/18

Well, what better way to end the first half of our Spring term last week than with our Arts week celebrations! The children loved watching the Lion Dance during our Chinese New Year assembly and had lots of fun having a go at becoming the lion as part of their own...

Birches Blog w/e Friday 9/2/18

A huge well done to our cross country runners who represented Birches at St Nics last week. A particular mention to Ethan M who came second for the Year 3 boys and Heidi who took first place for the Year 4 girls! Another well done to our Football team who played so...