Our Curriculum Intent Statement.
The Birches First School curriculum has been designed with the intention to deliver the core values, skills and understanding of the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum, which feature at the heart of all our learning. These are underpinned by our holistic school values and ethos.
Our vision is for all children to develop secure foundations for lifelong success; to acquire knowledge as well as the skills needed to use and apply their knowledge in life. Children will be ready to take on the challenges of the next stage in their learning journey, able to concentrate, persevere, have imagination, be co-operative, have an enjoyment of discovery, demonstrate independence, achieve self-improvement and be curious.
We have high standards and expectations for all, fostering ambition to reach (and exceed) their potential academically, physically and creatively, instilling resilience and determination to succeed and widen children’s aspirations.
We aim for our children…
- To have a sense of belonging and be proud to make a positive contribution to their school and the wider community.
- To have the confidence to stand up and be counted.
- To become aware of their own and others spirituality.
- To develop a character that prepares them for life within their community, demonstrating tolerance, respect and equality.
Our curriculum will develop an understanding of and draw on the social, historical and geographical character of both the rural and urban areas surrounding the village of Codsall and celebrating the diversity and opportunity that those contrasting areas offer as well as the wider world.
Our learners will be the owners of their own destinies. “To be the best ‘me’ I can be”.
Please click here to read our whole school Implementation and Impact statements.
We take every opportunity to enrich the curriculum with an extensive range of enjoyable and exciting activities for the children. These include visits to theatres, museums, galleries, nature areas; local historical and geographical walks; visiting artists and performers; theme days or focus weeks for arts, eco, English, PE, health or multicultural work, educational visits and a Year 4 residential visit to the Kingswood Centre.
The children take part in regular assemblies throughout the year such as Harvest assemblies and Christmas productions. Year 4 also perform at their own Leavers’ Evening.
Please see below for further information about our curriculum…

For more information please contact our curriculum co-ordinator
Miss S. Hulme shulme@birches.staffs.sch.uk.