Nursery School Closure Home Learning

WK beg 06.07.2020

Home Learning Grid Occupations

Wk Beg 29.06.2020- Gardens



Garden Home Learning Grid

Phonics ‘Bb’

National POWER smile!! Wk Beg 15.06.2020

Home Learning Grid

Newsletter National Smile Power


National Power Smile ppt

Bake It- Pancakes- Maths

Theme Weeks OCEANS (World Ocean Day) Wk Beginning 08.06.2020

Weekly Learning Grid w.b. 08/06/2020

Newsletter World Ocean Day

Phonics Learning- K

Challenges  (PE- Mark Making)

Who Am I?  – Powerpoint

Week Beginning 01.06.2020

Weekly Learning Grid w.b. 01/06/2020

Friday’s Challenge  Thursday’s Challenge Wednesday’s Challenge Tuesday’s Challenge   Monday’s Challenge (including Newsletter)

Resources for this weeks learning grid. 

Nursery Rhymes– Literacy

Stretch a sentence– Communication and Language

Friday Challenge resource- Healthy Plate

Week Beginning 18/05/2020

Weekly Learning Grid w.b 18/05/2020

Monster Feelings Cards Resource

Friday’s Challenge     Thursday’s Challenge      Wednesday’s Challenge        Tuesday’s Challenge        Monday’s Challenge


Week Beginning 11/05/2020

Weekly Learning w.b. 11/05/2020

Friday’s Challenge   Thursday’s Challenge    Wednesday’s Challenge  Tuesday’s Challeng

Monday’s Challenge (including Newsletter)

People who Help us home learning 

Silly Sentences’Gg


 VE Day Newsletter 08.05.2020


VE Day Activity Pack


Sensory Story Spitfire


Sound Telephone


Sound Spitfire- Taxi


Sound Spitfire- Flying


Sound Dogfight


Sound Winston Churchhill speech

Week Beginning 04/05/2020

Weekly Learning Grid w.b. 04/05/2020 

Thursday’s Challenge          Wednesday’s Challenge              Tuesday’s Challenge               Monday’s Challenge

Week Beginning 27/04/2020

Weekly Learning Grid w.b. 27/04/2020

Maths Cooking Receipe 1

Maths Cooking Receipe 2

Maths Cooking Receipe 3


Thursday’s Challenge        Wednesday’s Challenge           Tuesday’s Challenge          Monday’s Challenge (including Newsletter)


Fine Motor Warm Ups





Week 20/04/2020


Weekly grid Information Newsletter


Friday Challenge            Thursday Challenge                Wednesday Challenge                Tuesday Challenge             Monday Challenge 


Grid home activitiy sheet                                                      


Phonics Information


Gymnastics Shapes


Extended Maths Activity- Weds




Easter Activities


Egg-chanted Easter Fun – Easter Craft Learning Grid


Create a Time Capsule


Easter Newsletter 6/4/2020


Stay Connected Happy Easter


Whole School Sunflower Growing Competition







Tuesday Songs                                                                                  Mrs Mogey’s Lego challenge day 4- click to see


Monday 30/3/2020 PE Challenge


Tuesday 31/3/2020 Rainbow Hunt


Weds/Thurs 1/4/2020- 2/4/2020 Mark Making


Friday Scissors Challenge 3/4/2020


Mark Making in Early Years- Click for information


 Click for- Pencil Grip Infromation


 Click for – Nip Flip Grip


 Click for- Mark making Patterns



Scissors Challenge                                                                                                 


Sprial Rainbows


Wednesday Challenge                                                                     


Funky Fingers Wednesday


Lego Challenges


Thursday Challenge Markmaking


Friday Challenge- Mathematics




Characteristics of Effective Learning- Please click for information.


Characteristcs of Effective Learning (COEL) are essential in the EYFS. Click on the link to read through the statements. These statements help make up COEL descriptors. When you watch your child play and enagage with activites and follow their own interests, which COEL are they displaying? I have used animal characters on our class news page to reflect the different  COEL. 


More information about play and engagement to follow.