Online Safety

Click here to see the latest Government guidance for supporting parents and carers to keep children safe online.

We hope that the information on this page will help to equip parents and pupils with the knowledge they need to understand online risks and the skills necessary to keep themselves safe whilst online. It is very important to teach children to play online safely. From early school age, children should distinguish between scam online gaming sites and safe ones. At the same time, it is important to understand that not only online casinos under Gamstop are safe. Casinos not on Gamstop can be a great place to hang out, provided they are picked up on trust resources.

Our Online Safety Commitee, led by Mr Jones, meet regularly and work together to ensure that every child, parent or member of staff stays safe when accessing the internet.

All staff, governors, pupils, parents and carers are asked to read, understand and sign an ‘Acceptable Use Agreement’. This ensures we all use the internet safely. It also makes our rights, responsiblities, privileges and sanctions clear to all.


Please click here to read our Online Learning Code of Conduct Agreement.

Please click here to read our Online Safety Policy and Staff/Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement.

Please click here to read our Mobile Policy.




CEOP is a law enforcement agency and is here to keep children and young people safe from sexual exploitation and abuse. If you need to file a report please use this link 


Staffordshire Children’s Advice and Support Service

If you have a concern about the safety of a child, please contact Staffordshire Children’s Advice and Support Service First Response Service immediately on 0300 111 8007. 

More time online…

As we all know, our children may be spending more time online over the holidays, and particularly during tight lockdown restrictions. Below is some useful information from Staffordshire police to help. There is also a CSE activity pack that children can work through with an adult.

Staffordshire Police information

CSE activity pack


Child Online Safety Materials

Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. Please visit;



Please click here to view pack to help children think about staying safe online – particularly during lockdown.  


Online safety training for parents

As well as hundreds of useful guides and resources for parents, National online safety also offer online safety courses for parents. Please take the time to go through these valuable learning tools –  

Online Safety for Parents 2025


Online Safety ‘Conversation Starters’

National Online Safety create resources for parents. They have recently published a free ‘conversation starter’ poster for schools to share with their parents & carers about online safety. The guide includes 7 questions to get ‘the conversation’ going in relation to their child’s internet usage. Engaging in regular, two-way communication with children about online activities is a really important way of building trust and highlighting the dangers they are exposed to every day.


Please click below to view the guide for parents & carers:




KIK Online Safety Guide for Parents

Kik is a free messaging app used by 300 million people worldwide that lets users exchange messages, photos, videos, GIFs and webpages via a Wi-Fi connection or data plan. Kik is unusual in that your child can sign up without a phone number and then find and message other people via just their username. Kik is aimed at anyone aged 13 years and older – the app says teens between 13 and 18 years old will need parental permission but it does not verify ages.


For guidance concerning current online safety issues please see the links below –

Unico Live Parent Awareness Dec 19 

Roblox guidance for parents from National Online Safety


The TikTok app is intended for OVER 13s ONLY. However, we are aware that an increasing number of children below this age are using the app. Many parents and children themselves unaware of the potenital risks it may pose. Click below for some important guidance about the app;

TikTok guidance for parents from National Online Safety

Internet Matters

Parent Zone

Net Aware



Online Safety Posters

Please click on the links below to find important information, support and guidance for keeping safe online.  

Remote Teaching and Learning Policy

Parent information about popular apps and online games